Hello readers!!
Welcome to my blog on Nike! This is the second leap into the world of blogging as a Public Relations student at Quinnipiac University. I did my first blog on American Express in my Corporate PR class sophomore year. Now I am in my senior year, getting ready to graduate and go into the real world, and chose to blog about a company that has had a huge impact on my life, NIKE!! As this blog is for my capstone public relations class on crisis management for the next fifteen weeks I will be discussing various crisis management topics and relating them back to Nike.
On a personal note, I am also in the process of training for my first half marathon and I am very excited because I just purchased a new pair of my favorite Nike sneakers to help me with my training!! I will keep you all updated on my progress over the course of the semester as well :)
Don't forget to follow me on Twitter, where I will also be Tweeting about Nike-- I'm at "ashleymduncan."
This is a student's blog for a Crisis Communication class at Quinnipiac University. As such, I as the author of this blog make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided as an as-is basis. Opinions expressed on this blog are Ashley Duncan's personal opinions and do not represent opinion of the Quinnipiac University or opinions of the instructor of the class.